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Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
A set of 3 anal plugs made of silicone, each with a tapered top, each with a cone shape that will induce exciting sensations while inserting the butt plug in the anus. It is advised to start with the smallest plug and as experience and pleasure advance, you can continue your anal play with the bigger plugs. Each of the plugs has a strong suction cup that sticks to any smooth, flat surface, to make solo play easy. The wide base also enhances the sense of security while using the butt plugs.3-piece anal cone setLarge: Length 14,0 cm - 5.5 inch, Diameter 2,6 cm - 1.0 inchMedium: Length 10,0 cm - 4.0 inch, Diameter 1,8 cm - 0.7 inchLarge: Length 8,0 cm - 3.0 inch, Diameter 1,4cm - 0.5 inchWith suction cup