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Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
For quick, effective bondage!
The hand belly restraint from Bad Kitty is perfect for restraining the hands in front of the stomach, at the back or one at either side. The waist strap and handcuffs are softly padded and can be adjusted with the strong hook and loop fasteners. The handcuffs are hooked on the belly strap's 4 rings with their snap hooks - either on the middle rings or the ones at either side. The removable handcuffs can also be used individually.
Waist strap 98.5 cm long (+15.5 cm extra flap), each handcuff 33 cm long strap and handcuffs are 6.7 cm wide. Polypropylene, polyester, polyamide, metal.
The hand belly restraint from Bad Kitty is perfect for restraining the hands in front of the stomach, at the back or one at either side. The waist strap and handcuffs are softly padded and can be adjusted with the strong hook and loop fasteners. The handcuffs are hooked on the belly strap's 4 rings with their snap hooks - either on the middle rings or the ones at either side. The removable handcuffs can also be used individually.
Waist strap 98.5 cm long (+15.5 cm extra flap), each handcuff 33 cm long strap and handcuffs are 6.7 cm wide. Polypropylene, polyester, polyamide, metal.
Podobne produkty z naszej oferty:
Wiązanie na ręce i nogi połączone pasem
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Wiązanie za szyję do nóg i rąk Bondage