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Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
Pure pleasure for couples!
Sensually dotted and grooved sleeve that helps with stamina and provides extremely intense moments with a partner. The integrated vibro-bullet is waterproof and can pleasure either the clitoris or testicles. The vibro-bullet can be removed from the penis sleeve for even more fun and games. Includes batteries: 3 x LR44.
Complete length of sleeve 14 cm, inner O 4.4 cm (very flexible) complete length of vibro-bullet 5.7 cm. TPE, ABS.
Sensually dotted and grooved sleeve that helps with stamina and provides extremely intense moments with a partner. The integrated vibro-bullet is waterproof and can pleasure either the clitoris or testicles. The vibro-bullet can be removed from the penis sleeve for even more fun and games. Includes batteries: 3 x LR44.
Complete length of sleeve 14 cm, inner O 4.4 cm (very flexible) complete length of vibro-bullet 5.7 cm. TPE, ABS.
Podobne produkty z naszej oferty:
Nakładka powiększająca penisa realistyczna przedłużka cielista
124,90 PLN