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Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
Film porno DVD Marc Dorcel L'education De Mon Epouse
To satisfy their husbands, these magnificent creatures obite an initiation into the most turbulent libertinism. In a chic and worldly world, these beautiful married women are about to discover the limitless perversion of their husband's fantasies. swinging, debauchery, voyeurism or candaulism will be all means for them to discover new horizons of pleasure. Julie's husband invited a couple of friends to a gentle debut in a gentle manke. The multi-party fun evening about to begin will only be the first step in a long series of sexual experiences as Julie will eventually get caught and sodomized by three strangers under her husband's over-excited gaze. And while a businessman subjects two magnificent blondes to his desires for anal domination, Anna, a young bourgeois at home, will receive a very special teaching. Under the thumb of the terrible Jessie, a true mistress of submission and pleasure, Anna will have no choice but to observe the furious blonde teach her how to satisfy her husband's fantasies with great reinforcements of deep throats and sodomy. And it's far from over. The education of these docile wives still holds many surprises to you... Casting: Anna Polina, Jessie Volt, Cara St Germain, Lucy Heart, Julie Skyhight, Chloé Lacourt